Assessing the Personal Project
Marks from the PP are turned into grades, using the grade boundaries.
The PP grade is converted to a grade on 7.
The following grade boundaries are not prescribed but a suggestion based on previous and recent Subjects Reports.​
Passing score is 3 out of 7 for Personal Project.
Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mark Range 0-2 3-5 6-10 11-14 15-17 18-20 21-24
Submissions & Moderation
Sample Selection
The IB selects a sample of student work that represents the school's mark range. The IB usually avoids selecting students who received full marks so that higher-scoring students can be moderated upwards.
An external examiner reviews the sample and compares the teacher's marks to the examiner's. The examiner then adjusts the teacher's marks for all students in the school for that component.
The outcome of moderation can be that the school's marks are raised, lowered, or remain the same.
The goal is to ensure that all schools are meeting the global standard and that students receive the same mark for the quality of their work, regardless of who marks it.